Eliza Hutchison
Eliza Hutchison's most recent body of work The Ghillie 2007, fuses land and performance art with photomontage in a series of epic scapes and humorous theatricality. Exploring the bizarre ritualism of camouflage as the act of becoming ones surroundings, The Ghillie embodies this point of unification with Other, and winks to the phrase 'at one with nature'. Where a mound of grass is at second glance monstrous and a rock appears to levitate in never-ending skies, the uneasy feeling of deja-vu arrives as if from a mis-remembered childhood story or dusty folktale. Hutchison embeds the unnatural within the natural in what alludes to an unsettling fragmented narrative, while her manipulation of form through odd juxtaposition, deceptive cropping and multiple perspectives reassert Surrealist techniques in a contemporary aesthetic.