Bronwyn Rennex - Always Hungry

Exhibition: 18 Apr to 19 May, 2001

Bronwyn Rennex

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Strange, poetic and comic, Bronwyn Rennex's latest body of work, Always Hungry, focusses on appetite. Appetite as a state of yearning, as a condition, a perpetual cycle. Appetite as the engine driving consumption, in a culture of accelerating consumption.

The images of prosaic objects which proliferate in the work suggest a fleeting satiety. A poster of a bodybuilder discarded on the street. A child trying to fill an empty room with the splits and a smile. Television reruns in an empty room lit by a gaudy chandelier. We are reminded of familiar fads, comic and pathetic. Disparate moments that suggest a shortening of attention spans. We face a barrage of sensations dislocated from context. A fly covered back. A woman's thighs drawn on with biro. Yet there is an odd quietude in each image - a spareness of composition which provides space for reflection.