Christine Cornish - Datum

Exhibition: 14 March to 14 April, 2001

Christine Cornish

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Christine Cornish produces work that is haunting in its simplicity and its depth of contemplation. In her latest body of work, Datum, she uses a series of artifacts which suggest traces of history and shifting cultural phenomena.

She exhibits exquisite control of the tonality of her images, using a narrow range of tones to create sombre spaces of indeterminate dimensions. Throughout her work there is also the sparing and exact use of composition, shape, line and texture. Manipulating the photographic process through drawing and layering, she explores the materiality of her chosen objects.

There is a sense of loss or dissolution in the images in Datum, as if in some way they are remnants of what once was. At the same time, this dissolving seems to be at the heart of the images. The spaces and objects become less about the material they depict and more about the imagined, remembered or perceived. In this way they poeticise disappearance and decay.